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We’re here for you

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BAUSEMER for more than 30 years

The Trademark Bausemer stands for more than 30 years of expertise within the complementary oncology sector, more than 30 years of successful cooperation with the best oncologists, more than 30 years of experience in the treatment of various tumor types and more than 30 years of personal and individual care and treatment for tumor patients worldwide.

More than just a medical service

We have been pursuing holistic therapy in the treatment of tumorpatients since 1993.
To optimize the therapy results, we coordinate our therapies closely with oncology clinics and specialists. We accompany the therapeutic procedures carried out in conventional medicine with biological cancer therapy. Immunodiagnostics and immunotherapy, local hyperthermia, fever therapy and tumor vaccination form essential building blocks of biological cancer therapy according to BAUSEMER. Restoring and maintaining the quality of life of patients as well as providing individual and personal care to patients is always the focus. We have protected our complementary therapies under the trademark BAUSEMER.


From his experience after more than 30 years in the treatment of cancer Dr. Olaf Bausemer sees the success of the therapy in the combination of conventional and complementary medicine. He tries to combine the best for the patient from both medical camps. A path that is taken far too seldom in today´s practice. In his new video podcast series, he gives us an insight into the various topics and answers to the most frequently asked questions.

More than just a book: “Courage to live with cancer”

In his 25th anniversary published book “Mut zum Leben mit Krebs” Dr. Bausemer comes to the conclusion: In the fight against cancer there is no simple path to choose. He accompanies his patients and their families throughout the illness. In this way he provides these individuals with a longer and more enjoyable life.

Connected to the tumor is a whole person – with his needs, desires, and things that he holds dear. We are concerned with finding out what they are and seeing to it that they are included in the therapy decision.
Olaf Bausemer, Ph.D.