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“Give me a means to create a fever, and I will cure any disease.” This claim of the Greek philosopher Parmenides, coined 2500 years ago, shows that the effect of elevated body temperature, i.e. hyperthermia, is not an invention of modern times. Hyperthermia can be applied locally, regionally or systemically, i.e. to the entire body.

Hyperthermia is simply the overheating of the tumor cell. It has long been known that tumor tissue is particularly sensitive to heat. In the temperature range of 40-42 degrees, the cell membrane is damaged. To protect against cell death, tumor cells form so-called heat shock proteins (HSP) on their surface. These HSP cause changes on the surface of the cell walls of the tumor, and therefore the tumor cells lose their camouflage. They can be recognized and attacked by the immune system. Healthy cells are not attacked in this process.

In addition, cancer cells under hyperthermia respond much more sensitively to chemotherapy or radiation. The effectiveness of these standard therapies is thus greatly enhanced by the combination with hyperthermia.